Daniel Radcliffe stars as Al Yankovic. Although Yankovic never achieved quite the status his character does in the film, he's been quite successful. He's the third music performer, after Michael Jackson and Madonna, to have a top 40 single in each decade since the '80s. He recently completed his tour, which he called "The Unfortunate Return Of His Ridiculously Self-Indulgent, Ill-Advised Vanity Tour" (ph). You can see his new movie, "Weird," streaming on roku.com for free. Let's start with one of his early hits, which is also in the film. Here is "Eat It."
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GROSS: That's "My Bologna," one of the songs that's included in the new movie "Weird," which is a parody biopic of parodist "Weird Al" Yankovic's life. And it's streaming for free on therokuchannel.com. So you know, after that song comes to you, your roommate says, I don't know if that comes from God or the devil. But the world needs to hear it. That's also another trope from biopics and of, like, rock 'n' roll movies in general. Like, is this the devil's music, you know, or anything pertaining to the blues.
YANKOVIC: (Rapping) They see me roll on my Segway. I know in my heart they think I'm white and nerdy. Think I'm just too white and nerdy. Think I'm just too white and nerdy. Can't you see I'm white and nerdy? Look at me - I'm white and nerdy. I'd like to roll with the gangsters, although it's apparent I'm too white and nerdy. Think I'm just too white and nerdy. Think I'm just too white and nerdy. I'm just too white and nerdy. How'd I get so white and nerdy? I've been browsing, inspecting X-Men comics - you know I collect them. The pens in my pocket, I must protect them. My ergonomic keyboard never leaves me bored. Shopping online for deals on some writable media. I edit Wikipedia. I memorized "Holy Grail" really well. I can recite it right now, and have you ROTFLOL. I got a business doing websites. When my friends need some code, who do they call? I do HTML for them all. Even made a homepage for my dog. Yo, I got myself a fanny pack. They were having a sale down at the GAP. Spend my nights with a roll of bubble wrap. Pop, pop - hope no one sees me get freaky. I'm nerdy in the extreme and whiter than sour cream. I was in AV club and glee club and even the chess team. Only question I ever thought was hard was, do I like Kirk or do I like Picard? Spend every weekend at the Renaissance fair. I've got my name on my underwear.
So let's take a short break here and then we'll talk some more. If you're just joining us, my guest is Al Yankovic. And his new movie, which he co-wrote, is called "Weird." It's a parody of music biopics and also a parody of Al Yankovic's life. It's now streaming online for free on therokuchannel.com. And you can also see it on Roku devices. We'll be right back. This is FRESH AIR.