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Art files 2.4 serial number macro: A comprehensive tutorial for beginners and experts


The major number identifies the driver associated with the device.For example, /dev/null and/dev/zero are both managed by driver 1, whereasvirtual consoles and serial terminals are managed by driver 4;similarly, both vcs1 andvcsa1 devices are managed by driver 7. Thekernel uses the major number at open time todispatch execution to the appropriate driver.

art files 2.4 serial number macro

AXIS Video MIB (Message Information Base) extends the way to monitor Axis devices over SNMP. The Video MIB enables network administrators to monitor status information and a number of new notifications. To make use of the AXIS Video MIB, download the MIB files here and import them in your SNMP network monitoring application. The AXIS Video MIB is supported by Axis network devices from AXIS OS 5.60 and higher.

Include serial number in payloadEnable Include serial number in payload to include the serial number of the Axis device in the MQTT payload message. This could be used as additional information to identify the sending device.

If you are satisfied with your plot, you probably want to save it. Justclose all selector boxes you opened previously and select the menu itemSave as... from the menu line of the window. It will pop up a fileselector box to allow you to choose the format, file name and targetdirectory to store the image. There is one very noticeable feature here:you can store a plot as a root macro. In this macro, you find the C++representation of all methods and classes involved in generating theplot. This is a valuable source of information for your own macros,which you will hopefully write after having worked through thistutorial.

If you have a number of lines which you were able to execute at the ROOTprompt, they can be turned into a ROOT macro by giving them a name whichcorresponds to the file name without extension. The general structurefor a macro stored in file MacroName.C is

The code is built around the ROOT class TGraphErrors, which wasalready introduced previously. Have a look at it in the class referenceguide, where you will also find further examples. The macro shown belowuses additional classes, TF1 to define a function, TCanvas to definesize and properties of the window used for our plot, and TLegend toadd a nice legend. For the moment, ignore the commented includestatements for header files, they will only become important at the endin section Interpretation and Compilation.

This approach has the nice feature of allowing the user to reuse themacro for many different data sets. Here is an example of an input file.The nice graphic result shown is produced by the macro below, whichreads two such input files and uses different options to display thedata points.

Under specific circumstances, it might be useful to plot some quantitiesversus two variables, therefore creating a bi-dimensional graph. Ofcourse ROOT can help you in this task, with the TGraph2DErrors class.The following macro produces a bi-dimensional graph representing ahypothetical measurement, fits a bi-dimensional function to it and drawsit together with its x and y projections. Some points of the code willbe explained in detail. This time, the graph is populated with datapoints using random numbers, introducing a new and very importantingredient, the ROOT TRandom3 random number generator using theMersenne Twister algorithm.

The macro performs a rather big number of toy experiments, where ahistogram is repeatedly filled with Gaussian distributed numbers,representing the pseudo-data in this example. Each time, a fit isperformed according to the selected method, and the pull is calculatedand filled into a histogram. Here is the code:

Your present knowledge of ROOT should be enough to understand all thetechnicalities behind the macro. Note that the variable pull in line61 is different from the definition above: instead of the parametererror on mean, the fitted standard deviation of the distributiondivided by the square root of the number of entries,sig/sqrt(n_tot_entries), is used. 2ff7e9595c

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